Статистика космических пусков по 30 декабря 2009


                    SPACE LAUNCH REPORT

           by Ed Kyle      as of December 30, 2009       

Top active space launch vehicles ranked by their predicted 
orbital success rate*.  Failures include incorrect orbits.
Vehicle     Successes/Tries Realzd Pred  Consc. Last     Dates    
                             Rate  Rate* Succes Fail    
Tsyklon 2       104   105    .99  .98     92    4/25/73  1967-
Delta 2         145   147    .99  .98     92    1/17/97  1989- 
Soyuz-U         727   747    .97  .97     44    10/15/02 1973- 
STS             126   129    .97  .97     16(A) 2/1/03   1981- 
Soyuz-FG         20    20   1.00  .95     20    None     2001-
CZ-4(A/B/C)      18    18   1.00  .95     18    None     1988-
Kosmos 3M       422   445    .95  .95     21    11/20/00 1964- 
CZ-2(C)(/SD/SM)  32    33    .97  .94     32    11/5/74  1974-  
Molniya M       276   295    .94  .93      3    6/21/05  1963-    
Proton-K/DM-2M   40    42    .95  .93      7    11/25/02 1994-
CZ-2D            11    11   1.00  .92     11    None     1993-
Ariane 5-ECA     22    23    .96  .92     22    12/11/02 2002-
Proton-K/DM-2   100   108    .93  .92     14    10/27/99 1982-
Soyuz FG/Fregat   9     9   1.00  .91      9    None     2003-
Atlas 5          18    19    .95  .90      9    6/15/07  2002-
Delta IV-M        8     8   1.00  .90      8    None     2002-
Minotaur 1        8     8   1.00  .90      8    None     2000- 
CZ-2F             7     7   1.00  .89      7    None     1999-
H-2A             15    16    .94  .89     10    11/29/03 2001-
Proton-M/Briz-M  31    34    .91  .89     12    03/14/08 2001-
Proton-K/17S40    6     6   1.00  .88      6    None     1997-
Zenit 3SL/DMSL   27    30    .90  .88      6    1/30/07  1999-
Proton-K         26    29+   .90  .87      9    11/29/86 1968- 
CZ-3/3A          26    29    .90  .87     16    8/18/96  1984- 
Dnepr            12    13    .92  .87      6    7/26/06  1999- 
Rokot/Briz/K(M)  12    13    .92  .87      5    10/8/05  1994- 
Pegasus (H/XL)   35    40    .88  .86     26    11/4/96  1991- 
Ariane 5G(+,S)   22    25    .88  .85     15    7/12/01  1996-
Soyuz-U/Fregat    4     4   1.00  .83      4    None     2000-
Proton-M/DM-2     4     4   1.00  .83      4    None     2007-
PSLV             14    16    .88  .83     12    9/29/97  1993-
CZ-3B/3C         12    14    .86  .81      0    8/31/09  1996-
START(-1)         6     7    .86  .78      5    3/28/95  1993- 
Zenit 2(M)       29    37    .78  .77      6    9/9/98   1985- 
Soyuz 2-1b/Fregat 2     2   1.00  .75      2    None     2006-
Shtil'            2     2   1.00  .75      2    None     1998-
Taurus (XL)       6     8    .75  .70      0    2/24/09  1994- 
Zenit 3SLB/DMSLB  3     4    .75  .67      3(B) 4/28/08  2008-
Ariane 5ES        1     1   1.00  .67      1    None     2008-
H-2B              1     1   1.00  .67      1    None     2009-
Soyuz 2-1b        1     1   1.00  .67      1    None     2008-
Delta IV-H        2     3    .67  .60      2    12/21/04 2004-
Soyuz 2-1a/Fregat 2     3#   .67  .60      0    5/21/09  2006-
Shavit(-1)        5     8    .63  .60      1    9/6/04   1988-
Safir             1     2    .50  .50      1    8/16/08  2008-
Falcon 1          2     5    .40  .43      2    8/3/08   2006-
GSLV              2     5    .40  .43      0    9/2/07   2001-
KSLV-1 (Angara)   0     1    .00  .33      0    8/25/09  2009-
Volna             0     1    .00  .33      0    6/21/05  2005-
Unha 2 (TD-2)     0     2    .00  .25      0    4/5/09   2006-
* First level Bayesian estimate of mean predicted probability  
 of success for next launch attempt (k+1)/(n+2) where k is the  
 number of successful events and n is the number of trials. 

# Does not include one successful suborbital Soyuz 2-1a test 
  flight performed in 2004.
+ Does not include one successful suborbital Proton-K test flight 
  performed in 1970.

(A) 2003 STS-107 Columbia failure during reentry result of 
    damage suffered during launch phase.

(B) Amos-3 inserted in orbit with 1,500 km short perigee and 
  0.7 deg unplanned inclination.  Amos 3 reportedly lost two 
  to three years of 18 year design life. 

                    SPACE LAUNCH REPORT

           by Ed Kyle      as of October 29, 2009       
Recently retired space launch vehicles ranked by 
their predicted orbital success rate*.  Failures include 
incorrect orbits.
Vehicle    Successes/Tries Realzd Pred  Consc. Last     Dates    
                            Rate  Rate* Succes Fail    
Atlas 2/2AS     63    63   1.00  .98     63    None     1991-2004
Ariane 4       113   116    .97  .97     74    12/11/94 1988-2003
Titan 2         17    17#  1.00  .95     17    None     1964-2003
Tsyklon 3      114   122    .93  .93      1    12/24/04 1977-2009
Atlas 3(A/B)     6     6   1.00  .88      6    None     2000-2005
Soyuz-U/Ikar     6     6   1.00  .88      6    None     1999-1999
Titan 4B        15    17    .88  .84     12    4/30/99  1997-2005 
Titan 2(Star)    6     7%   .86  .78      6    10/5/93  1964-2003
M-5              6     7    .86  .78      4    2/10/00  1997-2006
Proton-K/Briz-M  3     4    .75  .67      3    7/5/99   1999-2003
#Includes 11 orbital Gemini Titan 2 and 6 Titan 23G missions.  

%Seven Titan 23G flights that flew suborbital profiles with 
 Star 37 solid rocket motors providing the final orbital velocity 
 increment.  The single failure listed here involved the Star 37 

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